4Videosoft PDF Merger 3.0 is a powerful tool which can merge multiple PDF files to form one single PDF. This free download is the standalone setup of 4Videosoft PDF Merger for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. 4Videosoft PDF Merger 3.0 Overview When you want to print out a huge number of PDF documents or send a bulk of PDF files over the internet, then rather than performing operations on all the files individually you can merge them to get one single file for ease of use.
PDF Merger 3.0 provides an efficient way to combine two or more PDF files to get one single file. An intuitive and friendly user interface is provided so that users can easily perform all the operations on PDF documents. It is a reliable tool and all the operations are carried out efficiently. Moreover, it is a very lightweight tool which does not slow down your computer and consumes a very low amount of system resources. The settings are completely customizable, you can either merge only the odd pages or even pages and can also specify few pages to process.
Change the sorting settings for the pages. There are many other features and options to support the merging process.
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